Hearing Aid Center Liestal

Hearing advice Basel region




Hearing Aid Center Liestal

Hearing Aid Center Northwestern Switzerland AG
Town hall street 11
CH - 4410 Liestal
Phone +41 61 903 17 17

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
8.00 - 12.00 and from 13.30 - 17.30

Dates as well as Home visits are also possible by appointment outside normal opening hours.

Wheelchair accessible premises

Parking facilities
There are numerous public parking spaces available on the avenue and on Zeughausplatz.

Exterior view of the branch HZ Liestal
Andi Benz Deputy Managing Director as well as Branch Manager and Pedagogical Musician of HZ Liestal

Andi Benz

Branch Manager
Certified pediatric acoustician

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Heidi Bächli-Schönegger

Acoustics consultant

Acoustics consultant of HZ Basel

Evi Matiz

Acoustics consultant


My way to HZ
HZ Liestal is located opposite the government building, at the beginning of the pedestrian zone in the old town. The train station is 250 meters away.

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Hearing Aid Center Northwestern Switzerland AG
Stadthausgasse 15
CH - 4051 Basel

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