AHV/IV financing


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AHV/IV financing

The Financing of hearing instruments by the IV takes place via a fixed lump sum. This amount is for a hearing aid at CHF 840 (monaural fitting) and for two hearing aids at CHF 1'650 (binaural care). These lump sums are set to cover quality fitting and service provision by professionals. Under the following conditions, these amounts are paid by the IV to persons provided, regardless of the price of the acquisition.

Conditions for IV funding of hearing instruments:

  • You are still professionally active and do not yet receive an AHV retirement pension.
  • You have a medically proven hearing impairment
  • By using a hearing aid you achieve a clearly better understanding with the environment
  • You purchase your hearing aid through a qualified provider (for example, HZ)
  • The above amounts can be claimed every 6 years if the old device is no longer sufficient
  • The above amounts may be claimed before the end of the period if a recognized otolaryngologist determines that a significant change in hearing has occurred (premature reprovision)

For minors, the flat rate for reimbursement is CHF 2'830 (monaural supply) and CHF 4'170 (binaural fitting).

The Financing of hearing instruments by the AHV takes place via a fixed lump sum. This amount is for a hearing aid at CHF 630 (monaural fitting) and for two hearing aids at CHF 1'237,50 (binaural care). These lump sums are set to cover quality fitting and service provision by professionals. Under the following conditions, these amounts are paid by the AHV to persons provided, regardless of the price of the acquisition.

  • You already receive an AHV retirement pension or supplementary benefits.
  • The first purchase of a hearing system took place or is taking place only at the AHV reference age (practically after retirement age)
  • You have a medically proven hearing impairment
  • Your hearing loss is at least 31 %
  • By using a hearing aid you achieve a clearly better understanding with the environment
  • You purchase your hearing instrument through a qualified provider (for example, HZ)
  • You have a permanent residence in Switzerland
  • The above amounts can be claimed every 5 years if the old device is no longer sufficient
  • The above amounts may be claimed before the end of the period if a recognized otolaryngologist determines that a significant change in hearing has occurred (premature reprovision)

The point of contact for claiming financial assistance is always the IV office (also in the AHV case). The best thing is to come to us, we are familiar with the formalities and will be happy to help you:

  • When filling out the corresponding AHV and IV forms
  • When looking for an expert doctor in otolaryngology (ENT doctor).
  • Regarding a preliminary examination (hearing test) to assess your hearing problem

Especially for complex and costly hearing aid fittings we recommend the website of pro audito schweiz (https://www.pro-audito.ch/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Haertefall_bei_Hoergeraeteversorgung.pdf) to consult. Here you will find, among other things, information on the hardship provision.

SUVA or military insurance may also cover the cost of hearing aids, provided that a medical certificate confirms the connection between hearing loss and work or military service.

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Hearing Aid Center Northwestern Switzerland AG
Stadthausgasse 15
CH - 4051 Basel

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